Friday, August 10, 2012

Watermelon Feta Salad

Savory watermelon dishes can be a fun way to use up August's ubiquitous pink fruit.  I made this dish to be kid-friendly.  Unfortunately the kid was in a no-foods-can-touch mood and instead decided to consume plain watermelon pieces and cheese separately instead.    This salad makes a nice starter or side dish for grilled burgers.  It doesn't keep well, so try to eat it up on the same day as its made, or it will likely be destined for the trash.

 4 cups seeded watermelon, cut into cubes or balled with a melon baller
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 sweet white onion, sliced into half moons and pulled apart
8 ounces crumbled feta
1/8 cup red wine vinegar
Juice of one lemon
1/8 cup olive oil

Place watermelon pieces on large plate or platter.
Sprinkle salt on watermelon, let sit 5 minutes.
Pick watermelon pieces up off platter and place in a bowl.  The salt will help reduce the water content a bit.  The resulting watermelon juice is great to drink or put in a cocktail.
Toss onions and feta with the watermelon.
In a separate bowl, blend together vinegar, lemon juice, and oil.  Pour over salad and toss together.
Serve immediately.

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